Last Updated on Jan 17th, 2020
The information below is the policy of Miller & Company and any parent company associated.
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Equal opportunity employment practices generally involve adhering to federal, state and local laws that prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace. However, employers with a broad vision of what it means to provide equal opportunities to potential and current employees create numerous -- not unconventional per se -- ways to level the playing field.
Adherence to Laws
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and Executive Order 11246 support equal employment in the workplace. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces Title VII and the ADEA; the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs enforces the executive order that mandates affirmative action plans for companies that provide goods and services to the federal government. In addition, state and local laws often mirror federal laws -- they, too, set out employer obligations and rights concerning fair employment practices.
Equal Opportunity
Within the context of labor and employment laws, equal opportunity generally means that employers won't discriminate against applicants based on such non-job-related factors as age, disability, national origin, race, religion and sex. However, an employer that's committed to equal opportunity also commits to fair employment practices throughout the entire employer-employee relationship. For example, something as simple as posting job vacancies in-house before publicly advertising them gives current employees the first shot at promotion or transfer opportunities before external candidates.
Posting and Advertising
"EEO" designation or including "EEO/AA" in job postings indicates the company values diversity and engages in fair employment practices. EEO stands for equal employment opportunity and AA means affirmative action. The AA designation generally is for federal government contractors who are required to have affirmative action plans; however, employers with voluntary affirmative action programs also use the AA designation to illustrate their companies' commitment to increasing workplace diversity through outreach efforts that broaden the pool of qualified applicants.
Training and Development
Employees thrive in a work environment where they feel valued, recognized and challenged to develop their skill sets and qualifications. Therefore, providing training and development opportunities benefits the organization, as well as the employer. Training and development equip employees with the tools necessary to perform successfully in their current jobs. They also prepare employees to take on more responsibility and authority in future roles. Offering training, guidance, development and even job shadowing or mentoring on a nondiscriminatory basis is an example of equal opportunity in the workplace.
Layoff Procedures
Many companies resort to seniority-based selections when they must lay off employees; however, that could result in some of the newest and, possibly, most talented workers being let go. Instead of relying on a LIFO -- last in, first out -- method for choosing workers to lay off, some employers choose the lowest-performing workers to terminate in the first round of layoffs. Besides, seniority-based layoffs might appear discriminatory if the employees with lower seniority are the youngest workers. Many workplaces have four distinct generations comprised of Traditionalists, born before 1945; Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964; Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980; and Millennials, born 1981 and later. Affording equal opportunities includes treating employees from all four generations fairly. The ADEA protects workers over 40 years old, but it doesn't require preferential treatment, such as retaining workers simply based on age.
The information above is the policy of Miller & Company and any parent company associated.
Mailing: 1151 Eagle Drive #345, Loveland, CO 80537
Toll Free: 1-877-611-9311
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